Die Eselsohren des Midas

Die Eselsohren des Midas
Plans of Mirror, Bamboo, Speakers, Fan
Photos: Thomas Bruns, Mathias Schiller

King Midas’s barber has a problem: He really needs to get something off his chest. The only thing is, no one is supposed to know what he saw when his lord removed his turban to have his hair cut. The King has long, shaggy, gray donkey ears. Incensed, the god Apollo had punished him with these for his deplorable taste in music. At a contest among the gods to test their music skills, Midas had chosen the rustic screeches of Pan over Apollo’s heavenly sounds. The barber has a strong urge to tell this secret to someone. Since no one is supposed to learn of the King’s disgrace, the barber runs to the river bank, digs a hole in the earth and whispers into it: “King Midas has the ears of an ass.” Relieved of the burden to his soul, he covers the hole once again. At this location on the shore, a dense thicket of reeds grows that, when the wind blows through it, whispers: “King Midas has the ears of an ass.”

Die Eselsohren des Midas
Die Eselsohren des Midas
Die Eselsohren des Midas
Die Eselsohren des Midas I
Die Eselsohren des Midas
Die Eselsohren des Midas
Die Eselsohren des Midas II
Installation audio